team photos

group photos

Group photos for businesses and teams

Proud of your team? Let's capture a beautiful, spontaneous, fun, or stylish group photo!

Proud of your team?

Let's capture a beautiful
group photo!

It's time to finally get your team properly photographed! Let your customers and future colleagues get to know the faces behind your company in a fun way. Make your company more personal! After all, customers do business with people. And teamwork is what you do with your colleagues. So, it's important to ensure a good representation of who you are. 

groepsfoto teamfoto zakelijk bedrijven, door Mike van Bemmelen zakelijk teamfotograaf

A professional team photo shows who you are!

A good professional photo of your team truly reflects who you are. Therefore, it's important to think carefully beforehand about how you want to present yourselves. Feel free to browse through the portfolio for inspiration. Do you want to come across as bold, approachable, elegant, or fun? Important factors to consider!

To create the perfect, creative team photo for your company, clothing and location are also crucial. Let the photographer also contribute ideas to the process. They often know what works and what doesn't. Would you like to discuss the possibilities and brainstorm some fun ideas? Feel free to contact me , I'm happy to assist!

foto met collega's, professionele zakelijke teamfoto, door professioneel fotograaf Mike van Bemmelen

Clothing tips for the perfect business photoshoot

Provide your employees with clothing advice for the photoshoot

Everyone wearing similar shades or company uniforms can bring a sense of unity to the photo. The location/background also plays a crucial role in setting the mood, so it's important for the background colors to complement the clothing tones. 

Bright colors often result in a cluttered look. Calm pastel tones work well in almost any setting. It can be nice to stick to the colors of your brand identity. I highly recommend avoiding busy patterns or prints and texts on clothing.

Create a briefing for your team to avoid any surprises, and advise everyone to bring an extra outfit so that there's the option to change if you plan to take multiple team photos.

foto met collega's, professionele zakelijke teamfoto, door professioneel fotograaf Mike van Bemmelen
originele groepsfoto en teamfoto's, foto met collega's, professionele zakelijke teamfoto, door professioneel fotograaf Mike van Bemmelen
Foto van collega's, team foto bedrijf, door zakelijk fotograaf Mike van Bemmelen
met collega's op de foto, originele zakelijke fotografie door Mike van Bemmelen
Groepsfoto zakelijk, teamfoto met collega's, bedrijfsfoto met collega's, door Mike van Bemmelen professioneel fotograaf
bestuursfoto Curius, directie foto, professionele foto met collega's
groepsfoto teamfoto zakelijk bedrijven, door Mike van Bemmelen zakelijk teamfotograaf
Foto van collega's op kantoor, informele teamfoto zakelijk, door Mike van Bemmelen bedrijfsfotograaf
Zakelijke teamfoto van collega's - door Mike van Bemmelen teamfotograaf voor bedrijven
groepsfoto teamfoto zakelijk bedrijven, met collega's op de foto op kantoor, originele teamfoto door Mike van Bemmelen zakelijk teamfotograaf
Originele teamfoto van collega's op de werkvloer - door Mike van Bemmelen zakelijke fotografie
groepsfoto teamfoto zakelijk bedrijven, originele foto met collega's - door Mike van Bemmelen professioneel fotograaf zakelijke teamfoto's
Met collega's ontspannen op de foto - zakelijke fotografie op de werkvloer - teamfotograaf Mike van Bemmelen
Directie informeel op de foto - originele fotografie van collega's - ontspannen op de foto door Mike van Bemmelen
Directie fotografie - ontspannen en zakelijk op de foto - door Mike van Bemmelen bedrijfsfotograaf
groepsfoto teamfoto zakelijk bedrijven, zakelijke fotografie van het team door Mike van Bemmelen
Met het hele bedrijf op de foto - ontspannen en professioneel met collega's op de foto - zakelijke teamfotografie door Mike van Bemmelen
groepsfoto teamfoto zakelijk bedrijven, zwart wit teamfoto, zwart wit collega's foto, zwartwit fotografie zakelijk door Mike van Bemmelen

Composite group photos

It's also possible to create a group composition from multiple photos. This is often done with teams where the composition changes frequently or where it's impossible for the entire group to be together at once.

The advantage is that the photo can be adjusted as needed. However, with such composite group photos, it's important that the photos are consistently taken in exactly the same way; otherwise, it becomes obvious that it's a composite group photo. For this reason, we prefer to create these group photos in the studio in Zoeterwoude.

Teamfoto BS Leiden dames 1 - sportfoto van het team - door teamfotograaf Mike van Bemmelen
groepsfoto teamfoto korfbal vereniging Fiks